Our Mission
Our mission is to use and promote peaceful dispute resolution processes throughout our communities.
Our Vision
It is the vision of the Center for Dispute Settlement, Inc. to help create a non-violent, conflict resolving community; whereby, disputes are peacefully resolved at the earliest possible stage to avoid escalation and the potential of violence by creating the capacity and resource within individuals and the community to effectively resolve their disputes quickly, informally and peacefully.
Our Purpose
Promoting alternative dispute resolution processes that enable individuals, community/neighborhood groups, and organizations to resolve conflicts without litigation. Providing for the peaceful, non-violent, resolution of disputes through alternatives dispute resolution processes such as conciliation, mediation and arbitration by volunteers, consultants and the professional staff trained by the Center for Dispute Settlement. Raising community awareness about the benefits and availability of alternative to violence and alternatives to the adversarial process. Providing training in non-violent and non-adversarial dispute resolution skills. Improving community, group and personal relationships through neutral third-party fact-finding, conciliation, facilitating, coordinating and monitoring.